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Firewall Capabilities

LinuxForce's Managed Firewall Services featuring an IPSec or SSL VPN and Internet Content Filtering

Key Capabilities and Benefits:

  • Remote 24/7 management by security professionals dedicated to maintaining the protection and privacy of your network with our Remote Responder℠ maintenance and monitoring service.
  • A partnership with LinuxForce's experienced security professionals to provide incisive comprehensive advice about security as it relates to your specific business requirements.
  • LinuxForce's Firewall Services can be installed on a wide variety of existing hardware that your business may already own or can be installed on new hardware.
  • Ability to integrate with your current network using existing registered Internet Protocol (IP) addresses and industry standard Ethernet technology and T1, DSL, or Cable access to the Internet.
  • Regular upgrades performed by LinuxForce specialists to ensure the continued security of your network.
  • Includes the traditional firewall services such as blocking unwanted packets, plus support for popular services such as Virtual Private Network (VPN) using IPSec (Internet Protocol SECurity) and SSL, proxy services, Voice over IP (VoIP) and much more.
  • LinuxForce's Managed Firewall Services can be configured in a tightly integrated architecture to reduce overhead, improve performance, and lower administrative costs (some of these benefits are documented in a recent research study, "Designing an Integrated Architecture for Network Content Security Gateways", Computer, November 2006, pp. 66-72 which discusses much of the technology we build into the Powerwall).
  • Our Firewall Services can also be configured in a loosely integrated architecture which offers improved security, scalability and flexibility but with lower performance and higher costs. We will integrate the service into your network with the configuration that best meets your business objectives.
  • Our Firewall Services can be tightly integrated with our e-mail protection services to provide a lower overhead, higher performance, low cost, but somewhat weaker security solution (only recommended for small businesses who cannot afford the greater security inherent with a separate mail server).
  • Secure Debian Linux based system, proven in the industry to be substantially invulnerable to the worms and viruses that plague other operating systems.
  • A sophisticated Intrusion Detection System (IDS) with the ability to identify insecure traffic and to provide alerts on unusual traffic.
  • Includes web caching to reduce your bandwidth needs.
  • High-performance web content filtering specifically tailored to your business needs for enforcing acceptable use policies (AUPs).
  • The web filtering uses DansGuardian for phrase matching, PICS filtering and URL filtering and ClamAV to filter out viruses as well.
  • Our highly flexible firewall infrastructure built around the Linux NetFilter packet filtering tools let us configure QoS (Quality of Service), a wide array of service proxies, NAT (Network Address Translation), and other specialized rules that many other firewall products do not support (as can be seen in Wikipedia's article on Comparison of firewalls).
  • Includes both IPSec (Openswan) for inter-compatibility with other IPSec VPN devices and an SSL VPN (OpenVPN) for ease of use for MS Windows workstations and laptops.
  • Built on industry standard, advanced, Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) technologies including iptables, ssh, Openswan, OpenVPN, ClamAV, Squid, and DansGuardian.

LinuxForce's Security and Managed Firewall services can secure your business' Internet access gateway.

E-Mail us or call today at 610-734-1900 for more information.

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